May 14, 2011

Social media policies and guidelines... a taster

When developing a social media policy consulting relevant polices and guidelines is good practice to inform your knowledge. Depending on your organisation and sector, the following resources may be useful.

Social Media Policy
Victorian Department of Justice | 24 March 2011 | Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License | web page

A good example of a well constructed policy as it includes scope, compliance, definitions, related policies, references, status and review process.

Social Media policy includes: overview/ principle, general responsibilities as a public sector employee, compliance, identifying inappropriate use, definitions (social media tools), statement of policy (professional and personal use), guidance for navigating legal issues.

Also includes an excellent 4:20 min YouTube to promote the policy and engage employees.

Social Media Guidelines
NSW Department of Education & Training | 15 March 2011 | 4 page PDF

A concise and well written policy. First page recognises importance of online conversations and the social voice, while promoting responsible engagement in social media activities. There are 12 social media rules of engagement which are listed in a one page summary. A more detailed explanation of each rule is provided over the next two pages.

This Guideline is also supported by a Social Media Policy (28 March 2011) which provides standards of use when engaging in online conversations.

For DET staff additional internal support material is available: “Online Social Media and Technology Guide for staff” and Intranet section on “Communication Planning and Management”.

Social Media Action Plan – Part 1: Policy
Victorian Department of Health | Final Version 1.0, 2010 | Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia Licence | web page and 14 page PDF

An example of a well constructed policy. The Forward, Introduction and Scope contextually frame the policy and clearly define how and when the policy applies. The next section details the Department’s Social Media Register for Departmental Web 2.0 initiative, including conduct guidelines for social media engagement. The final sections cover social media engagement for business purposes and for personal purposes. Finally roles and responsibilities are clearly identified.

The Policy forms a 3 part series in a social media action plan, which also includes Part 2: Staff toolkit (guidelines and templates for implementing social media) and Part 3: Reference guide (description and tips for usage of major social media platforms and tools)

Social Media - Telstra’s 3 Rs of Social Media Engagement
Telstra | 14 April 2009 (?) | 6 page PDF

Having stated the intent and application of the document, the focus is on the 3 R’s of Telstra’s social media engagement: representation, responsibility and respect, which are framed against social media engagement for business purposes and other uses of social media platforms. The policy also highlights consequences of breach of policy and indicates related policies.

Read what a Telstra employee says about the policy. Also see the excellent supporting Online Training Module for and read associated Telstra news release with embedded YouTube.

Social media guidelines for IFRC staff
Internal Federation of Red Crescent Societies | October 2009 | 8 page PDF

A visually well presented and constructed document, with citation of other documents used in the development of the guideline. The introduction is one page and notably includes a section which highlights “why personal and private are not the same” on the web. The next section details 12 best practices when using social media and is interspersed with examples. The last section covers existing rules and obligations and their application to social media.

Also see IFRC related blog post and another post with comments about why create a guideline and an approach to implementation.

Social Media Policies and Guidelines Meta Lists

Social Media Policies list
Compiled by Social Media Biz (update unverified)
Categories: corporations, news organisaions, nonprofits, government, hospitals and health sector, additional resources.

Policies database
Compiled and updated by Chris Boudreaux, Social Media Governance
Categories: Agencies (advertising, PR, marketing), business products or services, consumer products or services, healthcare, government or non-profit, general guidelines and templates.

Behavioural and etiquette guidelines for organisations 
Compiled by Laurel Papworth, 24 April 2009
40 listed resources. Also includes useful flow charts from US Airforce on assessing blog interactions.

Web 2.0 Governance Polices and Best Practice
Compiled and updated by US Federal Web Manager’s Council. 
Grouped by public and private sector, and general and specific.

Social Media Policies
Complied and updated by Health Libraries Wiki Canada
Categories: Australia, General policies (Archives, libraries and museums), Health sector and hospitals (Public sector, University resources, State resources, Private sector, Policy tools and best practice), Best Practices Toolkit and References.

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