March 09, 2011

online social networking at the dinner table

Reflecting on my previous post about conversations I call to mind table etiquette at our house; shirt on, hats off and no mobile phones. The first two still occur, however no mobile phones is variable, which is indicative of how mobile technologies and online social networking (OSN) are pervading our life.

As I've grown accustomed to text message alerts my tolerance level for interruptions to the dinner conversation has improved. At the same time people are improving in their OSN table etiquette and interestingly, OSN is becoming part of the table conversation.

When I was recently out at a Japanese restaurant I noticed the number of mobile phones on tables (including ours). One conversations at a nearby table included checking out  something (possibly a website) on an iphone in response to as a question. At our table I took a photo of the beautifully presented meal and sent to my son, who immediately responded with a request to be flown down to Melbourne to join us for dinner. This response was shared with the rest of the table and triggered quite an interesting and divergent conversation.

I still see antisocial dinner table behaviour; people in their own world listening to their ipod or playing a mobile gaming devise, but I take consolation in the fact that they may be socialising online.

What I still can't get used to is hats on at the diner table!

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